Tournament 100  -  Round 2

Round Dates: May 21 - May 28 2024
Arbor U1750Aquatic U1650Erg U1500Planetary U1300
Apple Division   Arbor U1750 Section
Division TD - burlap  Section TD - fireball
Round 2
Tal's disciples 1:3 STC Silver
 fileman1792 White0:1  room-matt1899 Black
 MrAbendroth1642 Black0:1  Beetlejuice1717 White
 LoseOften1631 White0:1  bobhill1684 Black
 Egmont1472 Black1:0  Gojira1684 White
Valar Morghulis U1750 2:2 RedDeMate A
 zugknightly2038 White1/2  fishhead2064 Black
 Lawkeito1706 Black0:1  LookImYourVader1751 White
 VictorRed1658 White1:0  ElValero1604 Black
 kabindra1535 Black1/2  vollmerj1461 White
Jousting Knights U1750 2.5:1.5 RedDeMate F
 martineden1837 White1:0  primerpaso1860 Black
 QuieroAprender1656 Black1:0  trombone1816 White
 Portola1615 White1/2  jjmolina11367 Black
 julesraider1578 Black0:1  Gilguli1348 White
Angel Division   Aquatic U1650 Section
Division TD - clarinetref  Section TD - trogers41
Round 2
Bye 2:2 STC Material
White1/2  trombone1816 Black
Black1/2  Lawkeito1706 White
White1/2  dalmata1554 Black
Black1/2  Megasus1481 White
STC The Deuce 2:2 Valar Morghulis U1650
 Goli1801 White0:1  fishhead2064 Black
 cysk1705 Black1/2  ElValero1604 White
 WillC1529 White1:0  fireball1461 Black
 ChessMaine1462 Black1/2  mongmong1388 White
RedDeMate B 1:3 Scorchingice
 VictorRed1658 White0:1  Packerfan1709 Black
 Portola1615 Black0:1  Strarzz1629 White
 kabindra1535 White1:0  Salvatore1540 Black
 burlap1448 Black0:1  cayo891507 White
Gibson Division   Erg U1500 Section
Division TD - WzeroMN  Section TD - cysk
Round 2
STC Gold 2:2 Jousting Knights U1500
 AlWynJones1509 White0:1  ElValero1604 Black
 Megasus1481 Black1:0  Salvatore1540 White
 fvafier1382 White0:1  cayo891507 Black
 Denis2409641231 Black1:0  Toalla1014 White
Fishers of Men - Kings Army 1:3 STC Rooks
 fhunfi1726 White0:1  julesraider1578 Black
 chesskix1361 Black0:1  ARMAND020191555 White
 BIRDSMAN1286 White1:0  Kingofknights1471 Black
 BrerRabbit1226 Black0:1  tightfist1386 White
Chaotic Equations 2:2 Reykjavikings II
 Portola1615 White0:1  Gojira1684 Black
 Signofthetimes1556 Black1:0  Rookmaster1474 White
 nosir1415 White0:1  BlueStorm1420 Black
 herrahuu1356 Black1:0  trogers411313 White
Habbanya Division   Erg U1500 Section
Division TD - BIRDSMAN  Section TD - cysk
Round 2
The Philosopher Kings 1:3 RedDeMate C
 Elmaestro1633 White0:1  QuieroAprender1656 Black
 Maybeiwill1530 Black1:0  justice021491 White
 burlap1448 White0:1  RD19741464 Black
 Visin1207 Black0:1  mongmong1388 White
Valar Morghulis U1500 3:1 Dragons
 VictorRed1658 White1:0  clarinetref1451 Black
 vollmerj1461 Black1:0  DaveTheRook1403 White
 fireball1461 White0:1  garytd1391 Black
 isolani1413 Black1:0  Electryon1376 White
Jupiter Division   Planetary U1300 Section
Division TD - nosir  Section TD - Rookmaster
Round 2
Maxwell's Equations 0:4 Jousting Knights U1300
 clarinetref1451 White0:1  Kingofknights1471 Black
 herrahuu1356 Black0:1  jjmolina11367 White
 SeniorCitizen1030 White0:1  Constrictor1359 Black
 thundercat1906 Black0:1  rgadoury990 White
RedDeMate E 1.5:2.5 Fishers of Men - Redeemed
 vollmerj1461 White0:1  noblitz-oblige1495 Black
 isolani1413 Black1/2  sdcohle1335 White
 rjhoro1126 White1/2  Denis2409641231 Black
 kabubi1101 Black1/2  tamky701087 White
RedDeMate D 0.5:3.5 The Black Knights
 Manch1440 White0:1  burlap1448 Black
 jfkingiii1412 Black0:1  ChessG20111280 White
 Balderdash999 White0:1  smsxman1188 Black
 oldbookseller640 Black1/2  Tjet1143 White
Mars Division   Planetary U1300 Section
Division TD - Gojira  Section TD - Rookmaster
Round 2
Reykjavikings 3:1 Valar Morghulis U1300
 CMAlge1338 White1:0  mongmong1388 Black
 rkjulianjr1260 Black0:1  tightfist1386 White
 Fulmar1211 White1:0  olivermx1373 Black
 Reykjaviking1111 Black1:0  WzeroMN855 White
Yet Another Pawnshop 1.5:2.5 DHLC - CC&T U1300
 DaveTheRook1403 White0:1  Electryon1376 Black
 garytd1391 Black1/2  BrerRabbit1226 White
 Visin1207 White1:0  Ostap-Bender1194 Black
 Ticktockman1039 Black0:1  stantheman591117 White